METAL DAYS 2013 (English Version) Finally.

Escrito por Luciano de Esbornia , miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013 9:40

Well, first of all, welcome to all the English-speaking audience. I must beging by apologizing because I haven´t really written in English since I was supposed to hand my essays back at university; of course I never did handle them! This post is going to be packed with grammar and spelling mistakes, coined idioms, made up expressions, and coherence and cohesive flaws. Please, learn to enjoy and embrace them because I might take some time until I clean the rust from my essay writing. Anyways, enjoy the content and don´t kill the messenger.

All the pics are in thumbnails, if you want to see them fullsize, follow the link located at the end of the article. I do that because I know you are all lazy bastards and will not read the post, but look at the pictures and like it on FB instead.

Metaldays 2013, Tolmin (Slovenia)

It all began on a quiet morning, in the month of July. I was looking for a way to travel from Vicenza (Italy) to Tolmin (Slovenia) so I could attend to Metaldays. For those who have no clue about Metaldays, I will give you a short introductory insight and hope you have a clear idea by the end of this article. Metaldays, former Metalcamp, is a 7-day festival which takes place in a small forest by the mountains, with the Soca river on one side of the camping area. It is one of the largest, longest and most hardcore festivals in the world. I said “hardcore” not because of the music, but because camping 7 days with metalheads is not really for the weak. You can find an air view of the event right here . Now back to the main story. I was looking at the event website and stumbled with the “Press” tab. I said to myself “why not” and shifted some paradigms of reality –in no way is this similar to lying- and tried my luck as a “Freelance Journalist” for this blog. A blog that you have never visited before but that has more views than the Miley Cyrus Porn. Luckily, it seems that because this blog is extremely important worldwide and mostly because the organizers didn´t speak Spanish that I miraculously got the Press accreditation. 5 minutes later, Elisa signed up as my photographer.

In the following paragraphs, I´ll write some kind of day-by-day travel diary. This way, you´ll witness how the event developed along its´ seven days. I will try to include hyperlinks to all the bands I consider relevant and also some suggestions about which bands to explore or check out. If you wish to see the complete line-up and running order, you can do it here:

Day 1: Arrival, camping site, beach.
On the first day god created light, oops, wrong post… I mean, on the first day we (Juan & Luciano) arrived to Tolmin (middleofnowhere, Slovenia) hitch-hiking through mountain roads. This was only possible because festivals have this metal community aura that links us all together, in order to survive and to rock.  There, we met Elisa and traded in our VIP tickets. Even though there was a VIP camping, we decided to camp with the peasants. And so we did, we set up camp in the forest, by the Soca river and very close to the stages. We instantly made friends with our neighbours – Croatians, Serbs, Slovenians, Finns , etc- and met our favorite Belgian, Maarten. Afterwards, we went for a field trip: to the supermarket (with fairly low prices), to the Metal Beach (heaps of pictures further on this article), to the rocky shores which made me curse the heavens for not having flip-flops and to the solar apocalypse which made me wonder how do these tit-pale (the first of many made up words) metal folks survive and swallow beer for 7 days in a row, with temperatures in the range of 32-38 °C. During the night, the Metal Beach still blasted metal tunes and offered Stripper and fire shows for those brave enough to defy the need for sleep, or those who feared the possibility of sleeping due to the chances of not waking up again, or those who couldn´t lay down because of their 3rd-degree-burns coated asses.

Highlighted bands: None.

Day 2:  Things start to heat up
Sunburn traces slowly come into view: red cheeks and people drenched layers of Grade 50 sunscreen. Bands make their first appearance in both stages but are mostly ignored because of the the beach, where the rise of the inflatable toys with drunk riders takes over the gelid waters: boats, floating tires, dinosaurs, dolls, dicks, boobs, swimming pools with waterslides, and anything that can be blown. Including me; you can blow anytime ;). Still this description is not as accurate as the pictures, so watch them! I also saw some real boobs and I believe there are pics, but can´t be sure because I was in obvious shock after the event. Later, when the sound went down, we head over to the press area, to recharge our electronic stuff and found out awesome news: The interview schedules.
The band I was looking forwards to interview was Sabbath Judas Sabbath. I know it is impossible to guess, but they played a tribute to Black Sabbath and Judas Priest). Unfortunately, they were not open for interviews and I had no idea about what to ask to other bands. Therefore, I obviously decided, along with Elisa, not to interview a band and avoid making a fool out of myself  to use a journalistic technique known as “The Conan O´Brien” (citation needed); TITS ask random bullshit with a bullet-proof poker face. In this occasion, the victim carefully selected band was Alestorm: a pirate core band which seemed to be able to handle our stupidity and lack of any journalistic skills. After sealing our destinies, we head over to check the first bands.

Highlighted Bands:
Ensiferum (Viking / Folk Metal): The first band that made the crowd rise, literally, because Crowd Surfing was back. A very powerful and enticing show that almost casted a shadow over the Headliner bands of the day.

In Flames: A band with a never ending career that offered another spotless presentation with baffling display of crowd control; something to be expected from a band with more than 20 years on stage.

Pentagram: I had the chance to see this band after having seen the documentary “Last days here”. The songs are not bad, even after like 35 years: it was like a stroll through the Paleolithic Rock Period.

After the bands, we got some sleep and well, got ready for the next of the many days to come.

Day 3:  My first interview and a whole lot of True Black Metal
The third day was similar to the previous ones, but now we were surrounded with metalheads suntanned like shrimps, people wearing shirts on the beach to avoid further burns, and the first encounters with wasted individuals taking spontaneous naps on inflatable toy while in creative locations, accompanied by one or two clouds in the sky. It was also the time for Juan to leave (you don´t know Juan, but he is my awesome travel partner); he got fed up with metal after 3 days. We decided to get some real food as a farewell gift. Finally something that was not dry salty crackers with mysterious toppings (30 cents; flavor: unknown, some claim it tastes like fish… or chicken, or corn salad with vanilla pudding). Even though our mouths were watering for edible food, we had to fulfill our calamity interview with Alestorm; so, we did it in record time; and you can listen to it HERE. After you are done with it, you´d realize that our kamikaze journalism showdown was a complete success and that everybody who took part in it had a good time, except for the poor piglets and baby potatoes which were brutally obliterated afterwards, to honor Juan´s departure with their entrails and flesh. But the heavens wouldn´t let our crime unpunished: it rained for one hour and made wet some of our belongings.

Highlighted Bands:
Alestorm (Bacon Powered Pirate Core): My personal favorites of the day. They managed to convince the whole audience to sit down and row for a whole song. This shows that attendees are looking to have fun in festivals and shows why Folk Metal bands are generally cheered and welcomed, as long as they don´t sound extremely shitty (i.e. Arkona).

Samael (Electronic / Industrial Metal):
Fucking nice! A show full of energy: a mix of classic EBM sounds with dark and powerful distorted guitar riffs. They also had a keyboard player who stole the show with his stage presence and the whole band provided a nice environment for head-banging or getting a nice mosh pit going.

Mayhem (True Norwegian Black Metal): The most true black metal band of all the true black metal bands. I must confess that is difficult to admire for those not keen on a guy screaming like a madman and a permanent display of demonic summoning, but the band´s obscure career made the experience worthy. There was neither killing nor church burning but well, Mayhem is Mayhem. In fact, we met a way more satanic and impressive band the following day; at least regarding credibility.

 Day 4:  Thong Volleyball and Space Unicorn on Fire
On the 4th day, we witnessed a novelty in eye-candy: Beach Volleybal in Thongs… for males. Hairy asses and beer bellies roaming free, facial and back hair rocking with the wind, third degree burns crawling on sweaty caveman bodies: a show worthy of the most underground European freak shows that enlightened our morning and left us blind for hours. Fortunately, the rain washed our traumas away and relieved our bleeding eyeballs so that we could make it on time for the bands with full health.  In addition, I got extra relieved by the impromptu chicks´ mudfight in front of the main stage.

Highlighted Bands:
Space Unicorn on Fire (Heavy/Progressive Metal) : This was the first band that we REALLY wanted to see, but we missed it due to an unexpected schedule change. Instead, we saw Parasol Caravan, which was pretty much ok, but didn´t quite cope with our unicorns and fire expectations.

 Turisas (Battle Metal): Yet another Viking folk metal band which encouraged crowd surfing. Simple lyrics with catchy choruses and repetitive melodies seem to be the formula drive the audience crazy.

Meshuggah (Experimental Metal): This show was a display of impossible 8–string guitar technique with a mathematically engineered display of composition. The audience had no idea how to headbang to the shifting drum tempos and chord progressions. The only detail I´d have  changed about the show was the cocaine snorting pause, there was no subtlety whatsoever: they took a 3-minute rest, came back with their jaws swinging like a cash register and played the galaxy most difficult songs at twice the regular speed.

Oh yeas, Sonata Arctica played on that day, but it was a boomer. We went through 1 hour and a half of cheesy and boring ballads, just to listen to "Replica" and "Full Moon". I hope I don´t have to take part in such a boring show ever again.

Day 5: Alotta bands and force fed suicide invitations for everybody  :)
Due to emergency camps packed with cases of burned retinas because of the four days of thong volleyball, the organization of the event decided to provide some visual relief for the wounded: Topless Badminton…and yes, for females. Apart from that, we didn’t enjoy much of the beach and camping lifestyle because there was a shitload of interesting bands playing. Therefore, we spent most of the time in the press area, making new friends and witnessing how everybody knew exactly what to do… but us.

Highlighted bands:
Meta-Stasis (Death Metal): I met them at the camping site, they were some brits who travelled for 48 hours to play only 25 minutes, because of technical difficulties. I recommend this band to anyone who wonders how will Slipknot sound like if they actually made music.

Vallorch (Folk Metal): The only band that managed to get crowd surfing going in the Second Stage. Even though none of those Italians looked older than 20 and heavier than 50 kgrs, they had the stage presence of Vikings and Valkiries only after 10 minutes into the show.

Subway to sally (Medieval Folk/Rock): A show packed with energy that was totally ruined by the heat and the sun scorching the stage. These poor Germans were not ready at all for the heat; they were melting on stage with their leather clothes and the fire throwers they had brought to the show. Also, there was not the amount of audience they deserved --> Beach > Germans

Leprous (Progressive Metal): Phew, Leprous, this was one of THE BEST BANDS IN THE WHOLE FESTIVAL. Unfortunately, since the musicians were part of another project with the former singer of Emperor, they only got to play half an hour and left everybody asking for more. Not fortunate as well was the fact that this other band sucked balls (Ihsahn) , perhaps because they didn´t quite fit in the style of the new genre.

Iced Earth (Power / Thrash Metal): Yes, all their songs have the exact same pattern, but they are still awesome. The Main Stage was completely full of people and every single one of the attendees sang until every word of their lyrics. In my not-humble-at-all opinion, this was THE BEST HEADLINER OF THE WHOLE FESTIVAL.

Shining (Black Black Black Progressive Black True Black Suicidal Black Metal):
Screw GG Allin, this guy is my new personal idol. In fact, we tried to get an interview as a part of our Kamikaze journalistic experience. Outcome: the guy was too wasted and high to interact with other beings so the interview got cancelled. If anybody cares about the musical part of the band, the whole group was a nicely oiled black metal machine: nice riffs and breaks, plus a retard shouting and threatening to cut himself with a razor. I guess they put up a fucked up and entertaining show.

Sleeping was no longer an option, our neighbors were already partying to celebrate the fore coming end of the festival in the way they knew best: getting wasted, shouting, laughing and rocking until dawn.

Day 6: Farewell tastes like Sarma… not karma, S A R M A
The day before the last was completely devoted to take a rest from relaxing the whole week. We had lunch with our metal family; a traditional Croatian dish called Sarma. Even though I thought it was an Argentinean traditional dish called “Niños envueltos” (Wrapped Children), they called me wrong and well, I got ripped off by history once again. Anyways, I will still believe it was an Argentinean recipe cooked by 2 blondes from Zadar and a Slovenian, but won´t complain because it tasted like heaven; particularly because it was the 2nd “real” food in 6 days. The whole ritual had to be wrapped up with a nap. And so we missed some bands, but it was totally worth it and we even made it on time to see the last bands of the day.

Highlighted Bands:
Powerwolf (Power Metal): Ultimate champions in crowd control, background and stage presence. They gave an excellent show and you might wonder which the formula for it was. Well, perhaps it was the howling before going on stage (even if nobody was watching). Oh, by the way, these were the best shoots that my colleague Elisa Montero took (check the links at the end of the article).

Wintersun (Symphonic Melodic Death Metal): I think this was the most expected band in the whole festival. People kept coming and approaching the stage, even after 2 black outs. This band has long and complex songs which never turn boring. A must listen for everybody.

Oh, and King Diamond… fortunately I had more important things to do in order to miss the show, like counting the amount  of flies trapped inside my tent.

Day 7: The Lord rested, I hitchhiked.
There were no more bands and no more shows, but everybody was willing to stay longer. We cleaned up, said farewell to our neighbors and left. Nobody said they weren´t coming back next year, not even our friend Maarten –who woke up in the Red Cross after falling unconscious and passing out by the river with a broken nose. I´m definitely going back next year. I don´t know how, but I will.
Hitchhiking took me no time since people are extremely friendly at festivals. My goal was Vienna and I got there in just 5 hours.

Final thoughts:

Without any kind of demagogy, this was the best festival I´ve ever attended. What is even more, I´d recommend to all of my readers (yeah, the 5 of you, except for my mum) to live a similar experience, even if you are not into metal. It´s an excellent chance to see how people behave in a reduced social environment with unwritten, yet very clear laws: we are all part of the same experience and help each other. But we don´t do it out of pity or charity, we do it driven by an instantaneous brotherhood  aura that engulfs us all and tries to lead everyone into making the best out of it.
Somebody asked me if people “discriminate” between rock and metal genres and its´ followers. The answer is a plain and simple: no, never. And the reason is because since the moment you choose to be a metalhead, you automatically turn into a social pariah and thus you learn how to be empathetic and tolerant with others before judging and calling them out. It does not matter if your neighbor is wearing a Megadeth shirt while playing Britney Spears or Bon Jovi in his/her tent, he probably understands and agrees with you face painted like a panda bear, listening to True Norwegian Black Metal and preaching about obliteration of the Catholic Church. And perhaps you´ll also listen to Backstreet boys in the afternoon while wearing your black metal uniform, because it´s hilarious to watch and you´d have a lot of fun as well as entertain everybody around you.

Well, I´m definitely way pass the attention span of my readers. HERE ARE THE PICS TAKEN BY ELISA IN FULL SIZE AND COLOR:


1 Response to "METAL DAYS 2013 (English Version) Finally."

Unknown Says:

aaaaaaaaadladladlaldaldadaldtatata ya reuní los morlacos que encontré, arranco a juntar plata y el año que viene voy; de paso tengo que hacer un trámite en España que nada tiene que ver con la guerrilla ni el gobierno de Siria. ...

Sir Count Lucien! Extraño Torrentcialmente su presencia y sacrificaré una vaca en honor a su panza y los sacrificios de ayuno a los que se ha expuesto por un bien mayor.

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